“Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life”
We want our boys to feel good, function well and contribute to society in a positive way.
We believe it is critical to equip our students with the skills and mindsets to carry them through their Brighton Grammar journey and prepare them for life after school.
The PROSPER wellbeing curriculum framework was introduced at the beginning of 2015 from K-12 and focuses on strengths and what is working well. PROSPER is an acronym that consists of components optimal for wellbeing:
All students engage in PROSPER/WELLBEING classes that develop social/emotional understandings and skills that fit within the PROSPER framework.
‘You can do it’ – teaching skills of organisation, persistence, resilience and getting along
Structured play – developing social language and behaviours
‘Circle Time’ – a structured forum to teach boys to express how they are feeling and to be aware of how others are feeling
Life education – sexual relations
‘Still Cloud’ – a Junior School-wide daily 10 minute mindfulness period after recess to re-gain focus and inner calmness
Personal Development program exploring issues such as, ‘Who am I?’, adolescent challenges and changes.
‘Camp-fire’ – a structured forum for development of emotional language through learning how to share, how to express and articulate feelings.
One-on-one coaching and learning how to set goals for school, life and other interests.
Identification of character strengths and how to leverage them to achieve goals.
Positive Psychology – exploring what leads to wellbeing in individuals.
Respectful relationships – learning how to interact in a positive and respectful way with other people, in particular females, in the workplace, friendship groups and more intimate environments.
Fixed verses growth mindset – teaching boys how they can truly reach their potential if they adopt a growth mindset in everything they do.
Career counselling – exploring each boy’s interests and strengths and how that may inform decisions around further study and future career paths.
Through a variety of programs spread across Years 9 and 10, the boys will personally grow and develop, be extended and challenged and finally, near the end of Year 10, complete the First Horizon program.
Take this short, VIA character strengths confidential survey and find your strongest attributes and values. (external site)