School Bus
Bus Route |
First pick up point |
Start time AM |
Port Melbourne |
Cnr Bridge St (btw Princes St and Nott St) |
7.34am |
Caulfield |
Tooronga Rd (outside Malvern Primary School) |
7.25am |
Mentone |
Mentone Girls Grammar School, Mentone Parade Bus Bay 3 |
7.16am |
Bus pass requirements
If you could please remind your child to carry this pass with them and have it ready to show the driver when they travel on the bus. Your child should be at their designated bus stop 5 minutes prior to the scheduled pick-up time.
2025 Bus Fares (per term)
Regular users of the services can purchase a term ticket for the subsidised price of $350 per boy per term, charged to your fees account. This allows boys the flexibility to get on and off the bus any day at any stop. Casual users of the service can still purchase passes at Reception for $10 per trip, charged to your fees account. A one-way travel option is available for $200.
Students in Prep – Year 2 may only travel on the bus if accompanied by an older sibling. Boys may travel independently on bus services from Year 3 onwards.
Passes for regular travel are issued annually and charged to your School account each term. If you wish to cease using the bus service, please notify Cindy in writing and hand the Bus Pass back to Reception.
Chartered Bus Services (Ventura)
BGS provides three chartered bus services for the exclusive use of students: Mentone, Caulfield and from Port Melbourne. Please contact Cindy if you have any questions.
View Routes
Student Registration
If you would like to apply for a bus pass please complete the form below.
Stops and timing
Departure from BGS at the end of the school day is 3.50pm sharp for all 3 buses from New Street.
Please note: Buses will run every school day of the year at the same times regardless of events across the School. After school sport training will not alter the departure times. Therefore, alternative arrangements must be made by families.
BGS provides three chartered bus services for the exclusive use of students: from Mentone, Caulfield and Port Melbourne.
To assist families at Firbank Grammar School, we are pleased to extend the offer of our bus services to FGS students.
The service is available to Firbank Grammar School students on the following conditions:
- Covers return trips throughout the term
- No casual rates or one-way travel available.
FGS will invoice their students $700 per term.
How to apply for a Bus Pass
If you would like to apply for a bus pass please complete the form below.
Need help or have any questions?
If you have any queries regarding registrations, please contact the Brighton Grammar School Professional Support services via email