eSmart Policy
Brighton Grammar School is committed to providing a safe and secure learning environment for its students.
The School recognises the importance of digital technologies as a learning tool and is committed to reducing students’ exposure to cyber risks whilst developing students into responsible cyber citizens who demonstrate ethical behaviour when using online and digital technologies.
Within this context, this policy aims to ensure smart, safe and responsible use of technologies and internet within the School community.
This Policy applies to all students, employees, contractors and volunteers of Brighton Grammar School. Employees, contractors and volunteers will be referred to as “staff” for the remainder of this document.
Bullying is when someone repeatedly uses their power to hurt or intimidate others. Bullying can be verbal, physical, emotional, electronic or sexual. It may be planned, spontaneous or even unintentional.
Cyber bullying is when someone is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed, or otherwise targeted by another person or persons using the Internet, digital technologies (for example: mobile phones or tablets), social media or social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, or any other type of digital technology.
Cyber Safety is the act of taking precautions to protect and maintain anonymity of your own and/or another person’s security and wellbeing when connecting and interacting with people in an online environment.
Digital Citizenship is a set of skills and behaviours required to be a successful learner, confident individual and effective contributor in todays’ digital age.
Digital Literacy is the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to use a broad range of digital devices to critically navigate, evaluate and create information and develop new social and economic opportunities for oneself and others in the community.
Digital Technologies are electronic devices, systems and resources that generate, store or process data. In this document it includes, but is not limited to, computer workstations, notebooks, cameras, smart phones, tablets, video and audio players/recorders, social media and networking sites and cloud solutions.
eSmart means knowing how to guard against security and privacy risks online, download content in a legal and ethical way, research and reference information, as well as manage reputation and relationships in cyberspace (The Alannah and Madeline Foundation).
Social Media is computer-mediated services that are used as a means of supporting interactions among people and organisations in which they create, share and exchange information and ideas (for example: Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Snapchat).
Brighton Grammar School aims to:
- Provide a safe, secure and caring learning environment;
- Develop safe practices for the use of the Internet and digital technologies for learning;
- Establish transparent expectations for students, staff and the community when using the Internet and Digital Technologies;
- Assist students and members of the School community to differentiate between bullying and inappropriate social interactions;
- Foster social responsibly in all students so that they report inappropriate behaviour towards others rather than act as bystanders;
- Recognise that explicitly teaching students about safe and responsible eSmart behaviour is essential in the lives of students and is best taught in partnership between the home and the School.
- Brighton Grammar School’s Student ICT Acceptable Use Policy is discussed with students and parents;
- All students in Years Prep to 12 have signed a copy of the Student ICT Acceptable Use Policy;
- Staff use Digital Technologies and Internet in accordance with the School’s Staff ICT Acceptable Use Policy;
- Protocols for safe, respectful and responsible use of technology are present and clearly visible in all Learning Spaces;
- A copy of all School ICT and eSmart policies are displayed on the school website;
- Breaches of ICT Acceptable Use Policies are recorded and are dealt with accordingly;
- The School Community are updated about eSmart initiatives on a regular basis through newsletters, fact sheets, special events and the School Website;
- Victorian Curriculum eSmart Scope and Sequence is implemented from Years Prep to 12 and supported in classroom by the E-learning Coordinators.
Staff of Brighton Grammar School have the responsibility to ensure that:
- They are familiar with eSmart approaches and understand the philosophies of the eSmart program, necessary for teaching digital literacy;
- They are aware of cyber bullying and able to identify and look for signs of occurrence amongst students;
- Students are aware that any form of cyber bullying is prohibited at the School;
- Students are aware of the consequences of cyber bullying;
- All cases of cyber bullying are reported to the Deputy Head of Campus and responded to promptly;
- There is effective supervision of digital technology usage in Learning Spaces to deter cyber bullying.
Students at Brighton Grammar School have the responsibility to ensure that:
- The School values of respect, integrity, accountability and passion are demonstrated when using digital technologies;
- Only approved digital technologies are used in accordance with the signed Student ICT Acceptable Use Policy and in line with the school curriculum program;
- They do not breach the privacy of students, staff and members of the School community through any unauthorised publishing of photography, video, or defamatory comments on social media or networking sites and applications;
- All incidents of cyber bullying are reported to a member of staff;
- They take steps to protect their own (and others) privacy and personally identifiable information.
Parents at Brighton Grammar School have the responsibility to ensure that they:
- Are familiar with the school’s Student ICT Acceptable Use Policy so they can support their child to adhere to the expectations set out in the document;
- Report any incident of cyber bullying or unsafe cyber behaviour that they become aware of, to the School as soon as possible; and
- Respect the privacy of students, staff and members of the School community through only authorised uploading, recording or filming.
Incidents and Complaints
- Any form of bullying, whether physical, verbal or cyber, is unacceptable;
- All incidents of cyber bullying must be reported to a staff member;
- Incidents will be investigated and recorded in a register maintained by the School;
- All staff have a responsibility to respond to, investigate, follow up and monitor incidents of cyber bullying;
- Any parent who believes that their child is being cyber bullied should contact the school. In the first instance, contact will be with the classroom teacher or Head of House and then the Deputy Head of Campus before escalation to the Head of Campus or Headmaster.
- Parents will be notified if students are involved in any incidents of cyber bullying and appropriate and proportional consequences will be followed.
This Policy will be subject to an annual review. The review process will include the evaluation of data collected through staff, student and parent surveys and incident records.
Related Policies
Student ICT Acceptable Use Policy;
Staff ICT Acceptable Use Policy;
Student Anti-Bullying Policy;
Student Code of Conduct;
Staff Code of Conduct;
Parents Code of Conduct;
Child Protection Policy.