General enquiries
- +61 3 8591 2200
- 90 Outer Crescent,
Brighton VIC 3186 Australia
Absentee Line
Key contact points
Peter Toms Early Learning Centre
- 8591 2284
- 27 Grosvenor St, Brighton VIC 3186
Before/After Care/Holiday Program Direct Number
- 8591 2275 (Office hours 8am – 4pm)
- 29–31 Grosvenor St, Brighton VIC 3186
Out of School Hours Care
Reception (Main)
- (Office hours 8am – 5pm)
- 8591 2200
- 90 Outer Crescent Brighton, Victoria 3186
Urwin Centre Reception (7-8)
- (Office hours 8am – 4pm)
- 8591 2260
- Allee Street Brighton Victoria 3186
Finance Department
Crowther Centre
Development Office
Human Resources
Marketing and Communications
Old Brighton Grammarians' Society
Share Community Campus
Noone Uniform Shop
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Deciding which school best suits the needs of your son and your family can be both exciting and a little daunting. Be assured, we are here to answer your questions.