Crowther Parent Videos

The learning curve during the pandemic has not only been challenging for boys, but parents as well as we navigate our way through unchartered territory.

Parent Videos

The Crowther Centre videos are relevant to parents at each section of the school, share some conversations and tips on staying focused and getting through lockdown with your son. 

We would encourage you to view the following videos.

Lower Primary 
Parent chat with Alex (Prep mum) for Lower Primary Parents

Distance Learning presentation by Brent Brickhill for Lower Primary Parents


Upper Primary
Parent chat with Graeme and Jack (Year 6) for Upper Primary Parents

Distance Learning presentation by Cathy Box for Upper Primary Parents


Lower Secondary
Motivation and Discipline during Distance Learning, a discussion with Lower Secondary Teachers

Distance Learning presentation by Dr Ray Swann for Lower Secondary School Parents


Upper Secondary
Parent chat with Peter and Sam (Year 11) for Senior Secondary School Parents