Handy Links
We’ve compiled some frequently asked questions. If there’s something you can’t find here, don’t hesitate to call us on 03 8591 2200. We’re available to assist with any enquiries Monday to Friday, 8.00am – 4.00pm AEST.
- What is ELC Long Day Care?
- What happens at Long Day Care?
- Who are the staff?
- Where is the service located?
- What hours does the Centre operate?
- What days does the part-time ELC3 program run?
- Can anyone attend?
- Can I use the Centre for casual bookings?
- Can I change options throughout the year?
- Can I pay my fees fortnightly?
- How do I receive the Child Care Subsidy (CCS)?
- Can I pay my fees net of any CCS?
- Can my CCS be paid to me rather than the Centre?
- How does the CCS affect non-resident and international families?
- Does my son need to attend a certain number of hours/days a week to receive the CCS?
- Do we still pay the daily rate even if we don’t attend?
- How many absences can my child have?
- If my child has a doctor’s certificate, is this still recorded as an absence?
- How are the hours of entitlement and the CCS worked out for each family?
- What happens for split families? Does each parent need to have a myGov account?
- Can parents claim their CCS amounts at the end of the financial year?
- Does the Centre have to record the actual times of attendance of each child?
- If the actual hours of attendance are being reported, does that mean that payments are made according to this or to the session times?
- When do the public holidays fall?
- Will the ELC be open on BGS student-free days?
- If a child is repeating ELC3, do they need to select a certain option?
- Does my son need to wear a uniform?
- What about meals?
Handy ELC links