Friends of Art

Parent Support Group

BGS Parent Groups

Friends of Art (FOA)

Friends of Art (FoA) are a group of parents and teachers who are passionate about the role of art in your son’s life and the benefits that flow from it.

We are committed to providing a nurturing environment that recognises and caters for the different needs of students.

Some background

Art is an increasingly important area of focus for Brighton Grammar School.

Our newest building, the Centre for Science, Creativity & Entrepreneurship demonstrates this commitment to creativity and is a key focus of the strategic direction of the School for the future.

Boys are supported in furthering their interest in art with the provision of curriculum, with various creative subjects up to and including VCE.

Co-curricular and extra-curricular options are also available for the boys to enhance their experience of creativity in a variety of ways.

The term ‘Art’ is used inclusively to include classroom art, Woodwork, VCD, Media, Digital Art, Ceramics, Photography, Textiles and the support of these pursuits, and includes any person participating in a creative interest.

● To raise the profile of art at Brighton Grammar School and the wider community

● To enrich the creative aspirations of the boys 

● To provide an opportunity for parents to participate in the creative aspects of the School

FoA is involved in a diverse range of activities including:

● Hosting Art Exhibitions and other functions supporting creative pursuits within the School

● Supporting the Artist in Residence program and Art staff behind the scenes 

● Supporting Art Clubs and other activities in the classroom

● Supporting the School in the enrichment of creative experiences for the BGS Community

You are warmly invited to be a part of this parent group. There are no pre-requisites, and all are welcome.

If you like meeting other people, want to contribute to the school community, enjoy good company and love getting involved in things that mean something, this might be the group for you! Why not come to one of our meetings, they’re always informal and friendly.

We have opportunities to get involved across all levels of the school (ELC through to VCE) ranging from an hour of your time to getting involved more deeply by joining the Committee.

If you’re interested, please email us on

Alternatively express your interest by completing this form.

To find out more 

Contact Friends of Art on 


A snippet of who we are

Events, activities and fundraisers

BGS Community Art Exhibition at Bayley Arts

Invitation to Exhibit

Artists within our School community are warmly invited to exhibit their creative works at the inaugural BGS Community Art Exhibition.

Years 9-12 art students will also have their artwork on show at the exhibition which will run from 7-12 November 2024 at Bayley Arts in Highett.

Please register Expressions of Interest to BGS Friends of Art by 30 September, with final artwork to be submitted by 6 November.

Join the BGS Friends of Art