IPSG Chinese New Year Party

Michael Wang (OB 2017) speech at The International Parents’ Support Group Party, as prepared for delivery.

Dear teachers, students and parents:

First of all, I wish all of you a happy New Year and best of luck in the lunar Year of the Dog. Julian Ou and I are recent alumni. It is my pleasure to be back here. Thank you, Maggie, for your trust and thank you to all the teachers who helped me along the journey. Looking back over my six years here, I realise it is Brighton Grammar that gave me a sense of sureness, through my coming of age; I experienced a lot.

I came to study here at BGS in 2012, at the age of 13. Immigrating to Australia from China, I felt both panicked by the sudden change in environment and excited about my academic journey.

Of course, the journey of assimilating is not straightforward. My English proficiency was not great at that time. Sometimes, I could not even find my classroom! You never move classrooms in China, but here you have to go to different classrooms. Hence, I became a shadow of my classmates, dragged along by those kind and passionate students. Once, I realised that I was not on the roll! Well never mind, back then every class was an English class for me.

On the first day, I caught the school bus for tennis, completely forgetting the homework I’d left behind. The next day I felt very awkward when the teacher asked to check our homework.

These are just two of the incidents I had here.

Times flies – it seems I haven’t been here long, but I have actually graduated! In recent days, I have been doing my course selection using the Monash system. I actually believe that the subject selection system here at BGS is easier to use! Maybe it is because I am reluctant to admit that I am no longer a part of the School. Maybe it is because the BGS routine had become the best known and accustomed part of my life. From band practice in the morning to sport training in the afternoon and all sort of activities, such as debating, public speaking and student council meetings. These all enriched my high school life, fostered my maturing, established my values and helped me to feel accepted into this wonderful community.

Chen is here today. When I was Year 7, he was the International Captain. I endeavoured to be like him, following in his footsteps and idolising him. He was right here, helping with my studies. So thank you, Chen.

Therefore, I sincerely say to all of you who are still studying at Brighton Grammar: treasure every day here at Brighton. Every class, every activity will be part of the most splendid memory in the future. Study and experience life here passionately and diligently. Feel the happiness the School activities bring you and let it be a strong and sincere momentum to foster your lifelong endeavours, to enrich your career here, to help you realise your ultimate dream.

Thank you. Once again, I wish everyone a happy New Year, and best of luck for everything in the upcoming year.






当然,这个适应的过程也并非一帆风顺的。当时我的英语水平也着实令人着急。在国内,习惯上都是在一个教室一个班级上课的,但是BGS里面,是要我们自己去不同的教师上课的,为此,有很多热心的同学拉着我去上课,我也从一开始就做同学的跟屁虫,然后发现点名时才走错了教室。 反正那时对我来说,所有的课都是英语课。


时间很快,一眨眼我已经从BGS毕业了,这几天正好在选大学的科目,才发现用了六年的BGS的选课系统更好用。我始终无法彻底的接受,我已经不是BGS学生这个现实。 因为,BGS的学校生活,已经是我生命中最习惯和最熟悉的部分了。从早上的乐队训练,放学后的网球训练,以及各种各样的课外活动,比如辩论队,演讲比赛,还有学生会的议会等等。这些都充实了我的中学生活,也让我不断成长,从中寻找到了自我价值,融入了BGS这个美好的集体。


