Our sister school
Firbank Grammar School, Brighton
Collaboration not coeducation!
Core to the development of any boy is learning how to positively interact with girls.
Understanding how girls think, how they like to be treated and how they treat you is essential.
Our sister school Firbank Grammar is just 500 metres along the street allowing a range of social, cultural and academic learning activities to take place at every year level, every year.
Activities include play days in the ELC, regular book club meets, debating, trivia evenings, drama productions, musical performances and class-based workshops. In Year 7 and Year 8 the girls and boys participate in two ‘Swap Days’, experiencing academic classes in new learning environments at each school. Secondary School students have opportunities to travel together on interstate and overseas cultural and music tours.
While we both recognise our expertise in single-gender education and have a commitment to our own programs, we celebrate the benefits of our ongoing collaboration.
From time to time, some senior Secondary School students are enrolled in subjects at the other school.