Top Anglican Private School, Brighton grammar Senior School Boys in Chapel Spirituality

Spirituality at BGS

At BGS we are guided by the traditions and practices of the Anglican Church and celebrate our close affiliation with St Andrew’s Church Brighton. We belong to a network of Anglican Schools including several of Australia’s oldest and most prestigious schools, which are all centres of learning where the spiritual, ethical and moral life of a young person is explored and challenged.

We share the values of

  • Christian faith and worship
  • Academic excellence
  • Developing the whole person
  • Community responsibility and service
  • Heritage and tradition

Every boy from Year 3-12 attends a weekly chapel service in St. Andrew’s Church. Special events in the life of the School such as Prefect Induction, Foundation Day, Mothers’ Day and Remembrance Day are celebrated at the weekly Chapel services. A number of boys have a deeper involvement with Chapel in the role of Chapel Servers; others are members of the highly regarded St Andrews Choir.

The School Chaplain is able to conduct traditional celebratory milestone services such as:

  • Baptism
  • Confirmation
  • Marriage
  • Funerals


Father Chester Lord 
Junior School Chaplain 03 8591 2275

Father Peter Waterhouse
Secondary School Chaplain 03 8591 2200