The arts take centre stage

I believe there is so much value in our boys being exposed to and involved in the arts. The arts (particularly performing arts, such as music and drama) enable boys to explore and express emotions, feel a strong sense of connection to themselves and each other, be empathetic and caring, cast off inhibitions and stress, and of course, simply have fun.

However, I was curious to know whether the boys saw the same value in the arts as I did. So I spoke to a number of boys from across the School who are involved in music and drama at BGS. They may not have used the same words, but (I was relieved to hear!) their insights do seem to align with mine.

This is what they said:

On emotions

“I love drama because I can express emotions in a different character. I love it how I can pretend to be someone who I am not, and try to feel how they feel. I love how I can move around the stage and use actions to try to express myself, and I love improvising as it keeps me on my toes!”

“I love how I can show feelings through a character. Some characters show how they feel differently and acting gives me the opportunity to put myself in their shoes. I can be that character; I am someone that I am not. It has helped me find who I am – and it gets rid of my stress when I sing and act.”

“Music tells what cannot be expressed in words and I get shivers every time I hear special music.”

On connections

“The arts give me a way to communicate with an audience and share a special moment – a moment that cannot be captured or recorded. That energy, that magic, is what makes performing and the arts so special.”

 “Music is a means of bonding with others who share the same passion. I have found that it often reveals a different side to boys, enabling them to express their emotions through the way in which they compose and perform music.”

“Music is everywhere. If I am in the car – there is music, if I am at home – there is music, if I am at school – there is music. Music has a beat that can take me through the day.”

On relaxation

“When I practice, I feel calm and relaxed. I really enjoying writing and recording music and when I listen to it, I feel that sense of achievement as I have spent a lot of time working on it, and it feels good.”

On joy and fun

“It can make you sad, happy, excited, on your ‘tippy toes’ or pounding your feet. It is great that music has easy involvement, like buying a song on iTunes or joining a choir. Music is everything to me.”

“Music means fun. Although you need to practice, it pays off!”

It’s wonderful to hear the boys articulating their passion for music and drama, which as you know, shines through in their incredible performances.

We look forward to seeing you at some of the many upcoming performances and ensembles where together, we can celebrate the power of the arts in the best possible way.

Ross Featherston, 

Upcoming BGS productions and performances:

Legally Blonde 18-20 May 

Camp Rock 25-26 May

St Andrews 175th anniversary concert 21 May