The Peter Toms Scholarship

Who is Peter Toms?

The Peter Toms Scholarship honours long- serving staff member, Peter Toms.

Peter commenced his time at BGS in 1966 as Junior School Class teacher before moving to teaching roles in the Senior School. In 1988 Peter was appointed Head of the Junior School, a role he filled with distinction for 21 years until 2008.

Status: Closed
Opening date: 21 July 2021
Closing date: Until filled



Are you eligible to apply?

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • A boy entering Year 7, 8, 9 or 10 in 2022.
  • A boy without the financial means to attend the School.
  • This scholarship is not open to boys who are currently attending the School. 


The successful applicant must be able to exhibit a positive attitude to learning and be achieving at a satisfactory academic level; be able and willing to enthusiastically participate in the life of the School; and demonstrate that he would benefit from the opportunities that a BGS education would provide.

The successful applicant must have exhibited a positive community attitude, usually through participation in community groups or community service.

The recipient will be a boy of fine character who can demonstrate his willingness to embrace the spirit and culture of BGS, and who will benefit from a BGS education, taking into account:

  • Interview
  • School reports
  • Demonstration of participation in and contribution to the community
  • Means (the scholarship is means-tested, with parents’ financial disclosure being required at shortlist stage).


All scholarships are at the discretion of the Headmaster and cover a percentage of the tuition fees. The Peter Toms Scholarship does not cover:

  • The cost of books, stationery or uniforms
  • Consolidated charges
  • Discretionary charges such as overseas trips.
  • Where possible, the parents of the Scholarship recipients will contribute a percentage of the school fees, the level to be based on financial need at the discretion of the Headmaster.


Peter Toms Scholarship holders are expected to complete their secondary education at BGS.

Special conditions

Peter Toms Scholarship holders are expected to:

  • Maintain a positive attitude to school life, participate in a healthy range of activities, and to maintain a positive attitude to learning.

Progress and contribution to School life are reviewed annually.           

A Scholarship may be withdrawn if the Headmaster is not satisfied with the diligence or conduct of the holder. Failure to pay fees may also lead to withdrawal.  The School reserves the right not to award any or all of the scholarships available. No boy may hold more than one scholarship.

Under normal circumstances, the scholarship holder is expected to remain at the School until he completes Year 12. In the event of the boy’s withdrawal prior to this time, the full value of the scholarship to the time of his withdrawal will be repayable to the School by the parent accepting the scholarship on behalf of the holder. 

The Headmaster, at his absolute discretion, may waive this obligation or fix a lesser sum as payable by the parent / guardian, particularly if the withdrawal is due to circumstances beyond the control of the parent / guardian (e.g. transfer interstate or overseas).

Apply for the Peter Toms Scholarship