Creativity matters, for without it nothing new would be created.

Why creativity matters?

In a recent survey of 1500 CEOs of major companies, ‘creativity’ was identified as the most important leadership competency for a successful enterprise of the future. Creativity matters, for without it nothing new would be created. It allows for creative thinking and effective problem solving, and promotes an ability to adapt to an ever changing world. Creativity is the skill that will allow our boys to tackle the jobs which don’t exist yet. One of many places where creativity is fostered at BGS is in the fine arts subjects.

ELC – Year 6

Creative people are curious, flexible, persistent and independent with a tremendous spirit of adventure and a love of play’ Henri Matisse

This attitude is encouraged in Junior School art where the boys are taught basic skills and techniques – and then encouraged to experiment with them. This builds the confidence needed to begin to experiment as they get older.   In art boys learn it is ok to take risks, try new things and develop their own style.  

Years 7–8

Creative Design and Technology is designed to ensure each boy nurtures his creative thinking process, problem solving and evaluation skills. Units include theory, concept development, execution and reflection. Through creativity boys

  • learn to problem solve
  • learn to think more deeply
  • build confidence, self-esteem and sense of pride
  • achieve beyond what they imagined was possible
  • gain a better understanding of themselves

Years 9–12

The art course increases in complexity as the boys’ progress through the senior school. VCE Art recognises art as an integral part of our lives. Art is a potent and dynamic visual language through which we are able to communicate personal experiences, ideas, cultural values and beliefs. In both the process of making and examining art, students can realise the power to inspire change through imagination, creativity and innovation

What’s on offer?

Art is a core subject from ELC to Year 6. In Years 7–8, boys study CDT (Create Design Technology), a more integrated approach to the visual combining Art, Design and Woodwork into one strong and consistent curriculum.

Creative arts subjects in Years 9 and 10 are all elective based including Art, VCD  (Visual Communication and Design) and Wood Tech.

In Years 11 and 12 VCE subjects include…

