How to study for exams

From the Crowther Centre

With the end of term in sight, it is timely for our students to think about how they can consolidate their learning to ensure they are ready for the examinations in early Term 4.

While rewriting notes taken in class or rereading the textbook may have their place, they are not the most effective ways to study.

The Science of Learning tells us that we need to apply our knowledge before we can say it is truly learned.

Daniel Willingham, the respected educational psychologist, says that learning requires a change in our long-term memory, which means that to really know something, we need to do something with it.

Consistent retrieval of the skills and knowledge taught at school is key to successful learning.

The use of mind maps, flashcards and summaries helps build the retention of key facts and concepts, while posing questions or doing practice tasks and short tests improves assessment readiness.

To learn more about research-based practices to help your child study more effective at home, Patrick Sanders (Associate Head of the Crowther Centre, Curriculum and Assessment), along with the Crowther team, will present a webinar on Wednesday 11 September at 7.00pm.

Register here.

Kristen Molloy
Associate Head of the Crowther Centre, Literacy and Engagement

Brought to you by The Crowther Centre