Excessive screen time

From the Headmaster

Excessive screen time is often cited by parents as a top health concern for their children. When you look at the research on the potential negative effects of being excessively attached to screens, it is a well-founded concern.

The BBC recently reported on a study by Ofcom, UK’s communications regulator, which estimated that a quarter of children in the UK aged five to seven years now have their own smartphone.

Interestingly, the news outlet also reported on a growing movement in the US of parents opting to buy dumbphones as first low tech devices for their children, which limits them to texts, calls and maps.

Schools can help parents be well informed and set proactive strategies for our boys that promote limited recreational screen time and prioritise healthy sleep routines and physical and social activity. The Crowther Centre position paper on Screen Time is a useful resource.

I have Jonathan Haidt’s latest book The Anxious Generation on my booklist for holiday reading.

With the school holidays coming up, it’s about finding a balance that works for your family and helping your child develop a healthy relationship with technology. It’s also important to recognise that some screen time can be educational and support social development, so the goal is to strike the right balance, rather than eliminate it completely.

Ross Featherston
Headmaster, Brighton Grammar School


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